Dr Bruce Lubitz Uses Medical Breakthrough That Gets 86 per cent of Chronic Back Pain Sufferers Pain Free
Released on = March 21, 2006, 7:14 am
Press Release Author = Community Holistic Health Clinic, LTD
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Dr. Bruce Lubitz discusses the benefits of the newest chiropractic breakthrough, spinal decompression. It offers a promising alternative to drugs and surgery in treating common symptoms like chronic back and neck pain.
Press Release Body = Dr Bruce Lubitz Uses Medical Breakthrough That Gets 86% of Chronic Back Pain Sufferers Pain Free
According to Dr. Bruce Lubitz, a local Tempe, Arizona Chiropractor, research studies have shown that up to 86% of chronic low back suffers who have suffered from conditions of herniated disc, sciatica, low back pain and other chronic back and neck pain problems, have found a new revolutionary treatment that has eliminated their pain. In thirty years of practicing using advanced treatments Dr. Lubitz says,\"This is the latest breakthrough in solving chronic Back conditions.\" Patients until now only had two choices: to continue a life of pain and suffering or go into surgery with its statistical risks. Dr. Lubitz says that this new procedure called \"SPINAL DECOMPRESSION\" has made tremendous impact on patients who have traditionally seen their MD, Physical therapist, Chiropractor, and Surgeon with little or no results. Spinal Decompression therapy is non-invasive and it has proven itself to be safe and effective without the use of dangerous drugs or surgery. \"Many of my patients felt like there was no hope for them,\" says Dr. Lubitz. \"There is a large segment of our population who suffer silently with chronic low back and neck pain almost every day. They often turn to pain killers to temporarily stop the pain. But drugs only provide short term relief, and it doesn\'t fix the core problem at hand. We are using advanced chiropractic and this newest treatment of \"Spinal Decompression\" to change peoples lives. The treatment was discovered somewhat by accident when astronauts went up in space. The lack of gravity helped them with their back pain. Those principals were used to develop the machine, which has been approved by the FDA. Several Research studies have proven discs may be a primary site of back and leg pain, as well as neck and arm pain. \"Spinal decompression works on these conditions with amazing results,\" says Dr. Lubitz. He explained that the disc is damaged by \"compression and flexion.\" The disc is avascular (it has no blood supply). It gets its nutrients in and wastes products out by diffusion (like a sponge). The healthier the disc the greater its diffusion. Over time loss of strength of the lower abdominal and low back muscles, poor posture, trauma etc, increases the compression on the discs, especially in the lower discs and mid-neck discs. Spinal decompression therapy stretches the spine in a safe, controlled and very specific way to open the disc spaces. This decreases the pressure on the discs and allows an increase of blood flow to help reduce inflammation and heal the area. Research indicates in some cases bulges may be pulled or drawn in by spinal decompression and help relieve pinched nerves.
Dr. Bruce Lubitz offers his first consultation and spinal decompression therapy free. He says, \"I want people to take a test drive to see how this might help them. This way they can make an informed decision and it doesn\'t cost them anything.\" Dr. Bruce Lubitz of Community Holistic Health Clinic is located at 2504 South Rural Road, Tempe, AZ 85282. He can be reached by telephone at 480-968-7767 or reached through his website at: www.backpainfix.com. NOTE TO EDITORS: Dr. Bruce Lubitz has hosted T.V., Radio programs, been published on Google, and he is available to use as an expert on, Chiropractic, alternative health and back problems. Call him at 480-968-7767.
Web Site = http://www.backpainfix.com
Contact Details = Dr. Bruce F. Lubitz, DC 2504 South Rural Road Tempe , 85282 $$country
480-968-7767 lubitz444@yahoo.com http://www.backpainfix.com
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